Many of the causes of skin ageing – those determined by our genetics and hormones – are entirely natural and cannot be avoided. But there are external factors – such as over exposure to the sun – which can cause skin to age prematurely. Sensible lifestyle choices can reduce the impact of these factors and help to keep skin looking younger for longer.
Over exposure to the sun – alongside inappropriate or insufficient sun protection – accounts for more than 80% of premature skin ageing.

UVA and UVB rays trigger the release of free radicals in the body− a process known asOxidative stress. Free radicals damage skin cells and accelerate photoageing. Skin protects itself by tanning, and thickening the epidermis, but there is a limit to how much protection these measures can offer. This limit varies from person to person and, once exceeded, results in permanent damage to the skin, and an acceleration of the visible signs of ageing:wrinkles, aloss of volume and aloss of elasticity, and deep wrinkles.
Overexposure to damaging UV radiation also leads to sunburn,uneven pigmentation and, in the worst cases, even skin cancer. Read more about the effects of UVA and UVB radiation here.
Other external factors which trigger oxidative stress and can contribute to premature skin ageing include:
- Pollution
- Smoking
- Diet
- Inappropriate skin care
The following lifestyle changes will help to protect skin from oxidative stress and prevent skin from ageing prematurely: